(Eric) Yang [楊奕軒]
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University (link)
of the Music and AI Lab, NTU
Research Center for IT Innovation, Academia Sinica
Music information
research / automatic music audio or MIDI generation / deep learning / artificial intelligence
We enjoy the creative process that
harmonizes knowledge from two fairly different fields: music and machine
- I am a Christian who goes to
Sunday morning’s meeting at the Church in Taipei, Hall No.48 (台北市召會48會所; map).
- I also join the Bible reading
group in National Taiwan University and the one in Academia Sinica on
different weekdays
- 2010 / Ph.D. / GICE, National
Taiwan University
- 2006 / B.S. / EE, National
Taiwan University
- 2023/11,
Keynote speaker at CMMR (link)
- Since
2023/02, Full Professor at
- 2019/11,
Tutorial speaker at ISMIR on GAN-based music generation (link)
- 2019/03-2023/02,
Chief Music Scientist, Taiwan
AI Labs (link)
- Since
2017/03, IEEE Senior Member
- 2016-2019,
Associate Editor for IEEE
Transactions on Affective Computing (T-AFFC) (link);
and for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (T-MM) (link)
- 2015/11-2023/01,
Associate Research Fellow at Academia Sinica
- 2013/06, visited DVMM and LabROSA,
University, USA, for 2 months
- 2012/10,
Tutorial speaker at ISMIR on music affect analysis (link)
- 2011/10, visited Music
Technology Group, UPF, Spain, for 3 months
- 2011/09-2015/10, Assistant Research Fellow at Academia Sinica
- 2011/02, publish the first
book, Music Emotion Recognition (link)
- 2010/01, defended Ph.D.
- 2018/12, organized
the Music AI Day at Academia Sinica (link)
- 2018/5, organized
the 5th Taiwanese Music and Audio Computing Workshop (link)
- 2018, this year we
have two papers accepted by AAAI, one paper accepted by IJCAI, the two
major conferences in artificial intelligence!
- 2016, Dr. Li Su (link) and I taught
Music Information Retrieval in National Tsing Hua University for the
spring semester (link)
- 2016, edited a
special issue on Intelligent Music Systems and Applications in ACM
Trans. Intelligent Systems and Technology (link)
- 2016, organized a
joint seminar between Austria (FWF) and Taiwan (MOST) (link); among
the three-day event, we also organized the 4th Taiwanese Music and Audio
Computing Workshop on Feb 22, 2016 (link)
- 2015, organized the
Intl. Workshop on Affect and Sentiment in Multimedia, in conjunction
with ACM MM 2015 (link)
- 2015, organized the 3rd
Mediaeval Affect Task: Music affective analysis (link)
- 2015, edited a
special issue on Multimedia Affective Analysis in IEEE Trans. Affective
Computing (link)
- 2014/10, organized
ISMIR 2014! (link)
- 2014/10, organized
the 2nd Mediaeval Affect Task: Music affective analysis (link)
- 2014/6, organized
the 3rd Taiwanese Music and Audio Computing Workshop (link)
- 2013/10, organized
the 1st Mediaeval Affect Task: Music affective analysis (link)
- 2013/7, organized
the Intl. Workshop on Affective Analysis in Multimedia, in conjunction
with ICME 2013 (link)
- 2013/4, organized the
2nd Taiwanese Music and Audio Computing Workshop (link)
- 2012/5, organized
the 1st Taiwanese Music and Audio Computing Workshop (link)
- 2023/08,
was awarded the NTU-Fubon
Distinguished Chair Professorship Award (臺大富邦拔萃講座教授) (link)
- 2022/07,
my undergrad student Yi-Jen Shih won the 1st prize of the Bachelor Thesis Award, NTU EE (link)
- 2021/07,
my undergrad student Shih-Lun Wu won the 1st prize of the Bachelor Thesis Award, NTU
CSIE, and the 1st
prize of the Ssu-Nien
Fu’s Award, NTU
- 2021/07,
my undergrad student Yi-Hui Chou won the 2nd prize of the Bachelor Thesis Award, NTU EE
- 2019/07,
was awarded the Multimedia Rising
Stars Award, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo.
- 2018/07,
was awarded the Best Associate
Editor Service Award, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- 2016/04,
was awarded the Best Conference
Paper Award, IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee (MMTC)
- 2015/11,
was promoted to Associate Research Fellow/Professor
- 2015/07,
was awarded the Best Paper Award,
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo. (ICME) (link)
- 2015/06,
was awarded the Young
Scholars’ Creativity Award, Foundation for the Advancement of
Outstanding Scholarship (傑出人才發展基金會年輕學者創新獎) (link)
- 2014/09,
was awarded the Ta-You Wu
Memorial Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (吳大猷先生紀念奬) (link)
- 2014/09,
was awarded the Best Poster Award, Digital Libraries Conference (link)
- 2013/05,
was awarded the Project for
Excellent Junior Research Investigators, National Science Council (國科會優秀年輕學者研究計畫), for 3 years
(2013/7-2016/6) (link)
- 2013/04,
was awarded the Pan Wen Yuan
Research Exploration Award (潘文淵考察研究獎) (link)
- 2012/12,
was awarded the Career
Development Award, Academia Sinica (2013/1-2017/12) (link)
- 2012/11,
was awarded the 2012 ACM
Multimedia Grand Challenge First Prize (link)
- 2012/03, was awarded the 2011
IEEE Signal Processing Society
(SPS) Young Author Best Paper Award (link)